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기자, PD가 되는 가장 확실한 길! 세명대 저널리즘대학원 

본문 시작


About The School

Established in 2008, the Semyung Graduate School of Journalism is the first graduate school for journalistic professionalism in Korea.

We provide courses for personal enrichment to each student based on a practice-oriented curriculum, which also empowers students to comprehend humanities, social sciences, and ethical standards. In doing so, we aim to help students become competent journalists. We also offer various scholarships, including free on-campus housing for all students.

Our faculty members have years of field experience as outstanding reporters, columnists, and producers in Korea's major print and broadcast media. They also obtained their academic degrees from leading universities in Korea and abroad, making them uniquely qualified in both practice and theory. Through a one-on-one coaching system with students, faculty members help each student create their future career plan and find ways to achieve it.

We now have more than 300 graduates working in journalism and related fields. Our graduates hold pivotal positions in the media industry, including newspapers, broadcasters, and internet media outlets across the country.

About The Danbi News

The Danbi News is a non-profit media organization run by the Semyung Graduate School of Journalism. It was founded in 2010 to help students to practice rigorous reports with advanced skills.

The Danbi News investigates and reports solely for the public interest, without being influenced by political or economic interests. It has consistently reported on issues such as the climate crisis, inequality, poverty, and regional marginalization that have been neglected by the mainstream media. For this reason, it has been recognized as one of the top nonprofit media in Korea.

Many stories of The Danbi News have won prestigious awards in Korea. Furthermore, Some of the special features in The Danbi News has been published as books such as <People on the Cliff>, <Sorrowful on the Twilight Road>, <The Last Emergency Exit>, and <Which University Did You Graduate From>, which received rave reviews.

  • 2022
    • 05 Won the Grand Prize at the ‘Special Reporting Contest’ held by the Hankook Ilbo
  • 2021
    • 11 Won the Grand Prize at the ‘Investigative Reporting Competition' held by the Korea News Agency Commission
    • 10 Launches 'Investigative Reporting Diploma' course (In association with Korea Press Foundation)
    • 06 Won the Grand Prize at ‘Investigative Reporting Contest' held by the Hankook Ilbo
    • 01 Won the Grand Prize at ‘Investigative Reporting Competition' held by the Korea News Agency Commission
  • 2020
    • 11 Established Seoul Press Center of The Danbi News
    • 05 Won the Grand Prize at ‘Investigative Reporting Contest' held by the Korea News Agency Commission
  • 2019
    • 12 Published <The Last Emergency Exit>
    • 07 Inauguration of the 2nd Dean of the Graduate School of Journalism, Dr. Jae Jeong-im
  • 2018
    • 12 Won the ‘Data Journalism Award’ from the Data Journalism Korea
  • 2017
    • 12 Established the Journalism Institute at Semyung University
    • 10 The Danbi News has been granted a non-profit corporation.
  • 2016
    • 07 Seoul metropolitan government and the Danbi news signed an MOU
  • 2015
    • 10 Establish a producer training studio
  • 2013
    • 11 published <Sorrowful on the Twilight Road>
    • 01 Opened the Danbi library at the Graduate School of Journalism
  • 2012
    • 04 Published <People on the Cliff>
  • 2011
    • 01 Won the Sisain University-Journalist Award
  • 2010
    • 06 Launched The Danbi News as a non-profit media
  • 2009
    • 07 Hosted the first Journalism Camp for Aspiring Journalists
  • 2008
    • 03 Inauguration of the first Dean of the Graduate School of Journalism, Dr. Lee Bong-soo